Monday 19 December 2011

19 DECEMBER 2011.

Classes canceled today.
Miss Zu went to attend the "seminar".


On 15/12/2011 I have seen a movie titled 
"127 HOURS" directed by Danny Boyle.I will judge this
movie in my own words.

The main character of this movie are Aron Ralston.

He like to climbed mountain and person who like 
to travelled. He like to travel in a place that defy like cave.

He delight and want to try explore that cave. When he
excited to explore suddently he get a wrong step
and fall into that cave followed by huge rock.
While the rock falling down into that hole,
the rock crash on his right hand.

After that, he struggle to release his hand from that 
rock with many method.He trapped into that hole during 
6 days. His final decision are to cutting his arm 
with very sharp fold knife.

Finally, Aron Ralston released from the cave.

After his cutting his hand. He very thankful
because he still alive.

That's all.

Sunday 18 December 2011


This morning, miss Zu we asked a class go to 
ELS or better known as English Language Society.
ELS organized Language and culture carnival.

First, we went to Spical Corner at 8.oo a.m.
There they run the various activities that can give
us knowledge. They introduced us to the Arabic and Chinese
culture. Arabic booth displays of Arabic culture as 
Arab countries, Arab clothing, Arab Dance culture and food & drink.

we all at spical corner.

Chinese booth such as the image below:

this me! adawiyahelias.

Their goal was to run activities promoting the 
three language. Three main language in UITM 
the Arabic, English, and Chinese. Among these are
Body Painting, Student Literature, and books.
Books found there more to Fairy story.
For example Snow White, Beauty and The Beast, Pinocchio,
and Children's Rhyms.

Me and Raihana.

Next, we went to SL or better known as Sri Laksamana. There more
to food and drink only. Among these are fried ice cream, spaghetti, chicken kebab,
fried macaroni, sandwich, and the last but not list mushroom soup
and garlic bread.

Adawiyah and kak Mel.

Rabiatul Adawiyah and Nurizan Naseha.

my lecturer miss Zu..

Before me and my friend Seha and Mai back to
the hostel, we stopped at a stall to by fried ice cream
and feel the power of the fried ice cream. After we
felt the fried ice cream was very delicious.
Feel it want to eat any more.!!!

Thats all.

Friday 16 December 2011


Today miss Zu teach chapter 1 is skimming and scanning.
Scanning is a selective reading skill to locate
facts and answers to specific questions.
You can scan a timetable, pages of a dictionary, charts,
and tables.

Next is skimming. Skimming is a reading skill employed to obtain 
the general idea of a text, to find out the writer's 
point of view and to see how the contents in a passage
are arranged.
The speed in which we read is three or four times faster 
than the speed of normal reading.
When skimming, look for key words and phrases, the headings
or subheadings for the general idea of the passage.

After that, miss Zu to give the six groups. A group of five people.
And we have been trained to answer along with 
members of our group.
Our group received 8/12.

Thats all.

Sunday 11 December 2011


This glorious morning again we see a class
with BEL 120 miss Zu.
Longer we learn new topics this morning.
New topics are Verbs.
Action Verbs, Regular, Irregular, Transitive,
Intransitive. Non-action verbs also Linking Verbs,
'Be' verbs, Auxiliary verbs.
And lastly Other parts of speech used as verbs.

Then we divided into two group. Our group name is BIZARRE.
And the names of our opponents is THE STAR. 
And finally, winning our group BIZARRE.
So happy!!!
This training I've made about the topics 
Regular and Irregular.

 Thats all....


This morning at(8.00am to 9.45am).
We were given the task and given to five groups.
A group of 6 people to present their plays 
on the drama P.RAMLEE.
Each group is given the option to select a
title they like drama.
After that, we members of the group has choose the 
title "Seniman Bujang Lapuk".

Other group members have chosen this title
1)Pendekar Bujang Lapuk.
2)3 Abdul.
3)Ahmad Albab.
4)Madu 3.
5)Seniman Bujang Lapuk.

The best actor goes to MOHD ADIB AZANNI BIN MD MOKHTAR from
group 4. And the best actress goes to FADHILAH BINTI MD NOOR from group 1. Overall winner goes to group 1.


Today we all learn grammar topics.

Part of speech is
adverbs,conjunctions, and prepositions.
The first topics is nouns.
match,box,coach,lady,diary and company.
Plural(more than one):Noun+s/es/ies
boxes,coaches,ladies,diaries,and companies.

Finally,after we learn about a topic that we were given training on the 
topic. This is the result I have answer about this topic.

Thats all..